here on the corner, pennsylvania north, right in front of me is where that cvs is that was looted and burned and where the mayor was today. she did not mention the curfew here on this very key corner of pennsylvania and north. but we hear the music just off the my left. and there seems to be a group gathering over there. as you can see here, there's a sparse number of cars here on this corner and we expect there would be some music and some get together in the coming hours. at least that's what we're told and then the curfew comes into place, so the real question here is as has been said, come 9:00, will the minors go home. will their parents come out and bring them home. two, at 10:00, will there be those out here that are going to be testing the curfew. because last night as we know and watched there in the square in front of city hall, there were those that did cause some