brotherhood back in 1984 when i was at folsom prison. you know, we had some work that needed to be tended to. so i put in some work, stabbed an individual. he needed to be taken out. >> walter "big foot" farmer's involvement in the white supremacist gang, the aryan brotherhood, eventually landed him in the pelican bay shu. but that didn't end his loyalty to his gang. >> of course, you have to earn your bone, which basically means you have to earn your blood in, blood out. you know, and i got my assignment and went after that. >> and what was the assignment? >> it was to take out an individual that was on the hit list for the aryan brotherhood. >> and who was that person, and what did it involve?

Related Keywords

At Folsom Prison ,Individual ,Work ,Farmer ,Big Foot ,Walter ,1984 ,Gang ,Bone ,White Supremacist Gang ,Didn T ,Involvement ,Loyalty ,Course ,Pelican Bay Shu ,Yarian Brotherhood ,Assignment ,Blood ,Blood Out ,Hit List ,Person ,

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