not running as elizabeth warren. she's a mini-liz, she is in the saying she is going to break up the banks. i think to call this an ideological issue i think is an exaggeration. we talked earlier joe, about there is a populist streak out there for republicans and democrats. she's tapping into some of that. i don't think those positions are inconsistent. >> so are you saying paul krugman was my friend my buddy is is that what you are saying? >> i saw your lovely chat on charlie rose. >> he stopped being my friend after that. after i out debated him. >> stop you might have done a little better than he did. >> he said it was his cleveland moment. >> the first point which is the moment, you distinguish yourself in politics when you distinguish yourself. when you honestly do say something that doesn't fit with the usual rap. not breaking with interest groups. she sounds more like walter mon dale. not to knock walter mon dale.