robbery, destruction of property, and larceny. a grand jury is expected to hear the case. and a word to the wise -- if you're planning to rob a store in huntington, west virginia, you better think twice. >> you're going to get caught, somebody's going to know you, somebody's going to see you. coming up next, an 85-year-old woman is robbed in an elevator. cameras record the brutal attack. and later, a bank security camera captures a cold-blooded murder. but will the video lead to the capture of the killers? >> the surveillance camera was located up above my head looking straight down on the night deposit box which captured the whole crime. when "caught on camera thieves and thugs" returns. i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members