the previous record of depression? >> so remember that the lufthansa flight school is actually out in arizona, it's not in germany and the subsidiary is a self contained unit. so he complies drops out, tells them in this e-mail i've had these mental problems. what i would guess is they've never forwarded that on to luff tan sachlt they simply said to lufthansa, he's finished the flight school. he passed all the tests. he's qualified to fly. there is one other point. remember, this is lufthansa's airline. it's not to say you cut costs or hire people unqualified. but you are hiring the more junior, the more inexperienced, the more entry level kind of people. it's a cost cutting exercise to run a budgeted airline. >> inexperience and a pilot depression are two very different things. i think as a passenger, you have an expectation that the person in the cockpit would not suffer from -- >> adding that one person in the cockpit by himself.