wars that take place with iran's influence. >> you're absolutely right, thomas. i think the key thing here is the rapid formulation of an 11-country coalition last week by the sunni countries against the shia houthis which are allegedly backed by iran. that's the reason why these sunni nations are so nervous. it's the iranian influence across the nation. three countries where the tentacles run deep. first one is lebanon, syria, and then iraq. so, let's have a look at the first one here which is lebanon. in the south here hezbollah came about in 1982 and came about as a resistance force against the israelis that were occupying south lebanon. when the israelis left in 2000, hezbollah then gained some sort of political dependence and they actually gained ten seats in 2009 in the lebanese parliament. fast forward to 2013 hezbollah get involved in qysayr

Related Keywords

Thing ,Things Thomas ,Place ,Iran ,Influence ,Countries ,Formulation ,Wars ,Coalition ,Shia Houthis ,11 ,Look ,Nation ,Iraq ,Nations ,Reason ,South Lebanon ,Tentacles ,Syria ,Three ,One ,Hezbollah ,Resistance Force ,South ,Israelis ,2000 ,1982 ,Sort ,Seats ,Dependence ,Lebanese Parliament ,Qysayr ,2009 ,2013 ,Ten ,

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