nobt not be a first officer, but this comes after the colgan aircraft where we saw crew members not up to the job in the cockpit didn't have enough training and experience, and were subpar in terms of the captain and the performance and the testing. for lufthansa to be hiring somebody with so few hours is concerning. >> very quickly. >> i would disagree this say failure of training. this is a mental health issue. at 630 hours more than capable pilot and up to four years ago, a more than capable pilot in the united states. this is really a mental health failure and a failure for us to recognize and change the culture and industry. >> erin bowen, tom costello thank you, both. let's bring in the panel, joe scarborough, neera tanden, kathleen parker, sam stein. kathleen, you wrote about this, this week, monster in the sky. i feel like we're having -- we're about to have the same conversation we had when we talked about the shooting in