to get event planners and other members of the community, a bunch of press are coming. we just heard this morning that 9 news the nbc channel for denver's going to be there. >> oh, really? i love them. >> it gives you great exposure and not just with the event planners, but with the press. >> oh, that's -- i'm so touched. thank you, guys. thank you. so, i guess i need to make some cupcakes. >> yes. >> while her staff got started baking cupcakes for the event planners to taste, web marketing expert mark mitten ceo of carbon 8, came by. >> hi, there! >> hi. >> mark noticed there is no way to place orders directly on kathleen's website. and if she wants to get those big orders she needs a smooth online ordering process. >> we want to make it easy for them to make that connection. if i'm interested, now what do i do next to get this actually done? if that is not absolutely seamless and fluent you lose people. they go elsewhere, they get a different idea. >> mark redesigned her website and presented her with three new design options.