the assembly and senate in texas and, guess what, ted cruz started at 2% in the polls. the margin of error is at 3%. the idea is that if you show contrast to the establishment in a primary, you may just prevail. >> okay. >> who would you vote for? >> i'm not a media conservative. >> this is a reliable source here. if you had to come down to the final brackets were ted cruz and jeb bush, who would you vote for? >> me? >> yeah, you. >> oh, me. i'm sorry. i thought you were talking to ted cruz. >> who would you vote for? >> ted cruz or jeb bush? >> i think having the third -- yes, having the third bush versus the first woman is going to attract 15 to 18% republican women and independent women to say, i'm going with the first woman. i don't think that's a fair fight. i think arguing about how you prosper under the bill clinton