public. >> jim hall former ntsb chairman, thank you for talking with us tonight, sir. i really appreciate your input here. >> glad to do it. we will have more tonight on this breaking news this "new york times" report that one of the pilots of the crashed germanwings flight may have been locked out of the cockpit before that plane crashed. that indication tonight according to the "times" from an official who has heard the cockpit voice recording. it has not been confirmed by officials in france. the aviation authorities looking into this. it's also not been confirmed by nbc news at this point. that provocative report from "the new york times" suggesting that one of the pilots was desperately trying to get back into the cockpit pounding on that door while whoever was left in the cockpit left in there at the time the plane crashed. jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen.