debris field and it appears to be quite a large area. what does that tell you, sir? tom in. >> i'm sorry, tom, go ahead. >> looking at that debris scatter, one it is the high fragmentation. this appears to be a high-speed impact. it is over a fairly large area. we can't see exactly where the initial impact crater was. once it was hit, pieces could have been thrown out quite some distance. but looking at the fragmentation going on here this appears to be a much higher speed than normal. it is going to be very difficult to find all of the victims' remains from what i'm seeing on these videos. >> and we're watching some of the video footage right now. john, can you tell us that early stage given what we know what would be the main working theories and possible theories at this point? >> well i think the first thing they will look at is why did the airplane need to come down? did they have a pressureization problem or was there a smoke or