as you know they have parades for everything every breaking record that they have. this snowfall in all honesty, it was a whopping wicked snowfall here in boston. jose? >> the weather channel raegan medgie, thank you. great to see you. thanks for being with me this morning. developing now in louisiana, we are just an hour away from new york real estate heir robert durst expected to appear in this new orleans courthouse for an extradition hearing on a capital murder charge. the case dates back 15 years. a cable television documentary may be a key factor. stephanie gosk is tracking this and joins me from new orleans. stephanie, good morning. >> reporter: jose good morning again to you. we are expecting durst in about an hour. he is going to waive extradition to california. this after an intense 24 hours in new orleans. law enforcement officials tell nbc news they arrested durst in a marriott hotel in new orleans, that he checked in under an