doesn't serve what they intended to do. >> what we did is we basically had a series of products and found one of them that was working, and then go with that one. so we might have started here and now we've moved here because we found that this was working. >> that's actually what groupon did. they started out as a platform for advocacy campaigns and one of the products they came up with to actually fund that platform was a daily deal site and they realized that was where the momentum was. what was critical is they had a team that was really good at activating with groups of people which was why shifting to that idea was still in alignment with the team. >> that's what they talk about in the piece also right? you're not changing the entire company. you're still using some of the resources, the back end, the values. >> that is the greatest lesson. pivoting doesn't mean turning 180 degrees or 360. it's usually a 5% change. they took the same products they had. same element they had, the same team members, just adjust a little bit and then pushed