has fights ending in subsidies was not one of them. we will continue to cover some of the arguments here and the stunning bad faith of the plaintiffs.question what if conservative opponents of obamacare finally win? will it be like the proverbial dog that caught the car? in 27 states that have not set upstate-based exchanges, most under republican control, around 9 million people who bought insurance through health care.gov would lose their subsidies. two thirds of those people would become uninsured. assuming the plaintiffs win with if they win, every democratic member of the state legislature in every state that doesn't have its own exchange can campaign to set one up. give people back their shelt insurance and subsidyies, reduce premiums. the second half of the decision comes down democrats will be handed a huge political weapon. what the heck is a republican plan if that happens? someone who helped to craft the law will join me next.