own immigration policies. we're going to keep fighting the battle. >> there's a win within the congress which is irresponsible. they have no concept of reality. listen, i am as opposed to the president's immigration action as they are but the fact is it's special that we fund the department of homeland security. >> meanwhile with rumors swirling that his speakership may be in jeopardy. he's explaining to what happened that led to the debacle. >> we do have some members that disagree from time to time over the tactics that we decide to employ. the house is a ram bungs place. a lot of members have a lot of different ideas about what we should be doing. >> can you lead those members. >> i think it's nocht it's not easy. >> do you like your job? >> most days. friday wasn't all that fun but most days. >> why wasn't friday fun? >> it was just messy and i'm not into messy.