we have plenty of time. the birther jokes get new material. >> do you think that he would be competitive if he ran, tara? >> no absolutely not. he's a one-trick pony. the birther thing, attacking the president, that's all he has. that's why he does it so much because it allows him o to escape talking about actual policy. he says we should come down on china, but meantime he's manufacturing in china. he brings the birther thing up and it's a distraction. >> let's talk about the dress, shall we? i'm sure you've all seen it debated it fought over it. the picture that broke the internet. is blue and black or is it white and gold? >> it's blue with black. >> blue and black. >> blue purply kind of thing. >> white and gold. >> white and gold yep. >> how is that possible really? this is weird. >> the dress has been the top