meter, right? >> it's a shocking moment that doesn't seem totally out of the realm of believability. >> the look of this video is very authentic. it feels real. >> it seems like you're really catching a moment in time. it already started before you got there. and there's real emotion and real animation. >> others feel the video is fake. >> the mistake they made is over narrating the video. >> that guy is sawing off that meter. >> it starts reeking of a viral fake setup situation. >> captain disillusion is right. the clip of the parking vigilante is bogus. it's another master hoax by michael and james of think moto. they create the piece to promote the sci-fi film "in time" starring justin timberlake. >> the general concept of "in time" is that money is replaced by time as a currency. once your time expires, you die. >> and we came up with an