with dsa, drug screen alter. >> i did this for a reason. it was because i'm coming up for parole here in less than three months. and i guess i needed a way to delay that. to delay getting out. i'm not ready to get out. >> lieutenant vance, the d-board chairman has a tendency of don't know, don't care when it comes to personal problems. all he wants to address is what's in the writeup. >> ziggy faces several potential penalties for attempting to alter his drug screen, including time in the hole. a loss of his prison job and even a judgment that can make his whole plan backfire, a transfer to another prison. >> that's one punishment i really don't look forward to, being transferred somewhere else. >> ziggy's reluctance to leave prison became all the more puzzling when we learned some of what he endured during his 30 plus years of incarceration.

Related Keywords

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