with naeisha hardy, her bunk mate in the general population unit. >> she walked past me and pushed me. i told her you could have said excuse me. >> i went to get on my bunk. i walked past her without saying excuse me. >> she said, no, what you should have did was move out of my way. i said no, bitch what you should have did is said excuse me. we started cussing each other out. >> i just broke it up, had them come to the desk, called an escort in just to get them separated. >> after detention officer rich broke up the argument, she decided it would be best to move baker to another housing pod. >> she was the one that was really severely agitated. she was the one that was being really verbal. >> she said y'all moving me because of this bitch? i'm going to get you bitch. i'm going to get you. i had her hair, cutting her like this, and she had my hair, and i was on top of her. >> i just yanked baker off there