smelled bad, so he doused the inmate with a mixture of water, toothpaste, and soap. >> the young man is a little too young and too small to stand up to himself to a guy that big. >> i asked him about it. he didn't deny it. so i sent him out of the pod. and while he was in the sally port, he was standing there whipping his penis out and shaking it at the inmates. and then, i guess they told him that they were going to smash him out. and then he started apologizing. and they're like, all right, we'll leave you alone, so don't do it again. and then he pulls it out again and starts doing the same thing laughing and taunting them while he's doing it. >> obnoxious. just plain obnoxious. he's out there in sally port shaking his wang at everybody, which is not something you do to a bunch of guys in orange. it's just, we've been locked up a while, but not that long. >> when he walked up to his cell i let him get in the cell and walked in behind him. >> and? >> started swinging.