don't think they're going appreciate this. i think every senator who votes for this and then thinks they're going run for president is putting their campaign at enormous risk in either party. >> john, to that ending there's been a lot of talk about whether elizabeth warren would run for president. it seems clear that the power center will be the upper chairman. she does not seem or sound cowed and could be an incredibly powerful tool leading into 2016. >> oh, absolutely. she's been following in a way a model ted cruz has been using which is operating from the pulpit of the senate and using that very big megaphone to rally support in the lower chamber, to start opposition there. you saw it happen in the house and that has transferred to the senate where more and more senators are saying wait a second, we don't know if we like this language. you're starting to see the outside organizations rally around her quite a bit. >> but can i interrupt you, john, because i think that it's dangerous to compare what elizabeth warren did on the