thought your rough and tumble style, jersey politics style, that they thought this would please you? >> no. >> that this was for you? >> no. i don't believe it was for me. >> is this personal? >> listen, i don't believe it was for me. >> well, i think when diane sawyer went up to the high c, she was expressing what a lot of us would call skepticism. nobody believes you create a culture without the boss leading that culture. you're all serving at the pleasure of the boss. you become the operative of the boss. >> that's right. >> that's the job description. the idea they could create this check list of who is with us, the enemies, which mayors won't support his re-election, and which ones will, who gets their bridges shut down, who doesn't, that was supposed to be creative writing by the staffers who didn't get their governor right. and yet that's christie's public manner. that's the way he behaves in