enforcement. 43-year low in our crime rate, so we invite them tower c our campaign i vents. >> do you think it was a problem to have on duty law enforcement there? >> i'm appreciative of their support own those who come to my events. >> you didn't answer that question. should there be discipline? >> look, i'm appreciative of everybody who comes to my events, and, gosh, we're at a 43-year low in our crime rate. we should be very supportive of our law enforcement. >> do you think it's okay for them to be there on duty? >> i'm very appreciative. our police chief's endorsement last week. we have law enforcement come to variety of events and others. i'm appreciative of anybody who comes to an event and supports my race. >> tip your cap to rick scott. in a crowded field he wins the gold medal for slavish unyielding devotion to talking points. oh, that is not the only story about florida law enforcement in the news this week. not by a long shot. we will bring you two truly stunning ones ahead. ssengers. the red-eyes.