deficits, which happen to be shrinking and fast. the idea of obamacare as the central organizing principle of the midterm elections has faded. in fact, the highest profile current fight against the affordable care act is the bizarre lawsuit that john boehner says he's filing against the president essentially for not implementing the small businessman date under obamacare fast enough. and as much time as we in the media spent harping on the website not working, obamacare itself is really working. this chart from gallop shows the direction america's uninsured rate has been going, straight down. same goes for the national cost of medicare. last week, a poll from the commonwealth fund found that overall, 73% of people who bought health plans and 87% of those who signed up for medicaid say they are somewhat or very satisfied with their new health insurance. 74% of newly insured republicans like their plans. even 77% of people who had insurance before, including