write it out. it will take five extra seconds, but it's totally worth it. if you're taking a test, each answer matters for the final score. people have a wall about what how they think of prisoners and what this whole community is like and it's just not true. if you work with someone consistently for a while, you really get to know them. that's one of the interesting parts of being here. you're very confident. >> i sure am. i know this stuff. >> all right. i'm going to make you prove to me that you know this stuff on paper. >> smart. goes to harvard. he's extra smart. >> so what is that? >> people can let their defenses down in the classroom. they can admit i can't read, i can't do math. whereas, in the units, that's a lot to do. you have to protect those kinds of things. you don't want to make yourself vulnerable. in the classroom you can be vulnerable. >> to maintain a classroom environment, deputies remain outside of the room but keep watch on what is happening inside.