one morning and say oh, never mind. >> ann coulter describes some of his supporters as being clowns and nuts and says a lot of them are in a paranoid frenzy. i've got to believe that ann coulter recognizes a paranoid frenzy when she sees one. >> i was really struck. the issue of self-awareness did come to mind when i read that. but i guess she's got some expertise, so she has a right to write about it. >> she did have math that you can't argue here, which i think every cool headed analyst sees it every way. cochran won the runoff by 7,667 votes. mcdaniel's partisans don't you have to prove that more than 7,000 ineligible voters went to the polls but also that they all voted for cochran, not mcdaniel. good luck with that. that's not going to be provable.