i'm just pointing out how absurd government treats these funding mechanisms. they throw money at the problem. they're not going to solve the problem p.m. i'm trying to take president obama up on his offer. he's correct, we've got to expedite deportations. we want to help him with that. senator john cornyn will introduce that will. let's fix that problem. let's stop the incentives. eliminate the incentives for these parents sending their children to this country. you know another thing we're not really talking about? so many of these unaccompanied children are teenage boys that just might be actually used by the drug cartel to set up networks in the united states. we also have to take a look at this as a national security problem and if we just -- and this basically is what we're doing, we're releasing these people in the general population. that's a real national security threat as well. the best solution is returning them. >> one quick final thought on the point of returning them. going to potentially introduce legislation that would help fast track deportations by changing