th won't be that big, but i'm thinking this will be a long year. >> i'm against it. you said downed tree and mini cooper. isn't that cnn's rating strategy? >> oh, boy. >> but i do caution everyone. i think that the in-clip nation is to blame every bit of extreme weather on global warming and there definitely is a correlation, but if you to it every time, maybe you you lose some standing. even the best weather experts will tell you you you can't necessarily do that. >> and it's the same thing as we've got warm weather -- cold weather in the middle of winter. so much for the global warming thing. we shouldn't go one incident to one incident. >> overall trends. >> so that's the story with the weather. want to get that out of the way. fortunately no deaths from arthur. i know a lot of scary pre-storm hype, but looks like nothing terrible has happened. we want to get to the big politics talker. hobby lobby decision the biggest political story of the week. certainly the one most likely to have long ranging impact.