signing them up for dues collection. i think it's actually been healthy for those unions and these workers to say, hey, look, this is what the union provides you, the collective benefit. they didn't have health care themselves before the union. they got health care -- >> look what you got. >> i think it's actually healthy and will force the labor movement to create a new model of unionism and go the full length to explain to workers, this is what a nonunion workplace looks like. >> the other piece of this, it's not just about workers who are skeptical about having to pay some dues, it's also about the national right to work coalition and business interest who benefit greatly from having incredibly weakened or diluted union strength. >> on the one hand they've been anti-union, this has been a long-term goal to defund public employee unions and that's related to a political goal. the strength of the american labor movement is in the public