this? who is doing this? who is the person in charge that can make this stop? >> thank you for having me, chris. first of all, we should know that the buck stops in one place and that is at governor rick snyder's desk. he is the one who is in charge of the city of detroit. he sent an emergency manager, which effectively wiped out of mayor and our city council. they can do nothing but rubber stamp what the manager or governor snyder says. so the reality is, governor snyder is the only one who can put a moratorium on shutoffs. governor snyder is the only one who can put together a plan or lower3yñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? the rates thae lowered for residents in the!wñ? city of detroit. >> the water company at issue is a public entity that is part of the city which neeñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ow g to the governor because of the emergency manager law. >> correct. >> so -- $çñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?-- >> please. >> i was just going to say, this was what we were fighting÷vñ?ñ??