valerie jarrett has with the president, friend and confidant and she is kind of a key voice in connecting him to the outside world beyond the white house. >> absolutely right, david. of course, one of her -- part of her portfolio is to be a bridge, to be a -- create broad alliances with the business community and with state and local governments. she says she takes that very seriously. she is working hard to bring diverse voices into the white house. one of the meetings that i attended with her was with local business leaders from around the world who are trying to become more family friendly. one of the business leaders said that they give every employee $3,000 every year and force them to take a family vacation with it. interesting. >> good idea. cynthia, thanks so much. coming up here on our special panel discussion with bill clinton than you won't see anywhere else, and a fast food faux pas, how the president says he never gets caught in overreach, like president obama