helping teach america how to suppress emotion in the face of tragedy has been such a good thing for this country. anchormen aren't the only people who suppress emotion in the face of tragedy now. did you cry when you heard about those college kids getting stabbed and shot by the mass murderer in santa barbara last month? the constant recurrence of public tragic events has coarsened us all. but i've been shut off from all of that for the last several weeks. i've been consuming almost no news. it has been 75 days since i put on a neck tie and did my anchorman thing, and a lot has happened to me. beginning with the longest few seconds of my life. it was just after dark fell on saturday night in "pirates of the caribbean" territory, the virgin islands. i was in a taxi, a big van with three rows of seats. i was in the first row behind the driver, my big brother michael was in the row behind