tossing is repeatedly washed back to them by the strong currents. but co-pilot art litsinger suggests they get the life ring to the victim from the air. >> we're going to have to actually get fairly close and try to toss this ring out somewhere where he could get ahold of it. >> i knew our biggest problem was the rotor wash from the aircraft itself, the wind speed. and i was afraid we were going to knock him over. >> but they're willing to give it a shot. >> we're probably only about a foot or two off the water. we tried to get in close. i was trying to get our side of the aircraft in close to him so he could throw the gentleman the ring. and as soon as we got that rotor wash next to him, we could see the guy starting to stumble. >> i was looking right at him, and he got a little disoriented, and then he got wobbly, and then he fell. >> seeing his head go under, i cringed and closed my eyes a little bit and said a little prayer and said, oh, boy, he's gone. >> can rescuers get to the man in time? >> the danger level increased