809 abuse complaints that made it as far as the internal affairs bureau at the border patrol. a huge number of those complaints, 40% of them, were never resolved. they're still pending, still open, no decision made of any kind. 40%. and the other 60% of the cases where a decision was made, the complaint process was closed out and in 97% of the those cases, where a decision was made, the decision that was made was to take no action. 97%. and that went down quite significantly. we start with 809 complaints. a total of 13 of them result in some action being taken -- yes, that's to scale -- and in most of those 13 cases, the action that is taken is that somebody has to have counseling. and this is the only information that we've got about this huge law enforcement agency. a random snapshot of a three-year chunk of some of the complaints filed against them at an agency that doesn't have a single complaint process. these are just the ones that happened to go through an office called internal affairs.