this far. but quickly, lindsey graham in south carolina. there was a different outcome further south when we look at the numbers there. what do you think? >> graham wins big. look, graham's not the only establishment figure. a guy who talks about immigration, who won immigration, was clearly a big issue for brat. john boehner won his primary. as i said, there are certain things about cantor in terms of his likability, in terms of his neglecting the district that wasn't at play for lindsey graham, for john boehner. lots of republican incumbent establishment figures who have survived their primaries. >> it really was interesting to see last night and we'll continue to talk about it this morning on "morning joe." thank you, sir. see you coming up next half hour. so, what does eric cantor's loss mean for the future of the republican party? tweet us your answers using #waytooearly. we'll have some of the best ones later in the show. all right, so, families are searching for answers this morning after yet another school shooting. one student was killed and a teacher wounded in the 74th shooting at an american school since the sandy hook massacre of