what happened to him during that process and what he may have picked up during that process. all of that will unfold on the military's time and on the time of our national security interests. >> evan, to that point, clearly one of the things that the parents talked a lot about and we know a lot of people were involved in this. my understanding is that the operation to recover him obviously relied on a lot of intelligence gathering. i would imagine sort of bringing him home, as goldie was just saying, they'll want to try to debrief and try to get a sense from the intelligence side of what he may or may not know. >> there is still a bit of a mystery about how exactly he fell into taliban hands to begin with. that's a complicated story. not that it matters that much now but nonetheless, it is going to be a complicated story. he needs to talk with military interrogators and explain all that. beyond that, there's so much that he may have witnessed while in the custody of the taliban, even small things that may be intensely valuable to us. the taliban are not monolitic.