appliances, tape recorders, cameras. >> along with needles, tattooing can also be made from everyday items. >> that's where usually they will burn soot. they'll take paper and oil and burn on it the bottom. >> burn baby oil or hair oil, hair grease, styrofoam cups back in the day. styrofoam cups, chess pieces. anything that doesn't burn complete. that's what soot is, unburned carbon. put it underneath a desk or in your locker box or something. >> then you put that in your body. >> oh, yeah. >> does it pose any health risks? >> yeah, of course. of course. but so does homosexual activity and they not trying to stop that. >> he told me that he learned how to tattoo in prison, and then when he went back out on the streets, he learned more techniques. and i guess he brought those back in with him when he was incarcerated again.