my friend and colleague reverend al sharpton happened exactly one month ago. moments after an arkansas state judge declared that the state's voter id law was, as reverend said, unconstitutional. as written, the law requires voter id's, bans out of state college id's, and forces voters without voter id to prove that they were too poor to get one. now, fast forward 30 days, and as zach roth points out, the arkansas law has twice been struck down by the same state court judge, tim fox, who ruled that it violates the state constitution's right to vote. since many arkansasans lack id and can't easily obtain one. but the state supreme court this month vacated one of those rulings saying the constitutionality question wasn't at issue in the case, and fox put the other ruling on hold while it's being appealed. that left the id measure in place for what amounted to a test run during tuesday's primaries. now, without any high profile races on the ballot voter