together to keep players in the dark? >> that's the allegation that's a systemic problem throughout the league and to build on what ron was saying, you -- these guys come to the league. they trust their doctors like we all trust our doctors and you trust your doctor to do what's in your best interest, but if the doctor's loyalty is to the league and lets a guy go out on the field who should either have surgery or be on bed rest and instead pumps him up with full-body narcotics and painkillers and he goes out and severely injures a body part that's already injured and has permanent injury for the rest of his life that's a serious problem. >> but you have some who say, listen, ron, your health, your well-being is of the most importance to you. if a physician says go back in the game it's your responsibility to say no. >> but they -- they're not disclosing all the facts. one of our clients asked what's the ramifications of toridol and