sterling's racist remarks he allegedly made. the clippers have issued a statement in part saying, we have heard the tape on tmz. we do not know if it is legitimate or it has been altered. it also says, quote, mr. sterling is emphatic that what is reflected on that recording is not consistent with, nor does it reflect his views, beliefs or feelings. it is the antithesis of who he is and what he believes. he feels terrible sentments are being attributed to him. joining me now, jason johnson. and political strategist, angela rye. welcome to you both. i'm sure this is going to be an interesting conversation. i do want to talk about this in big picture context. but before i do, what was your reaction when you saw and heard this story? i should add, nbc has not authenticated this voice on the tape. but jason, what did you think? >> it almost made me chuckle. because it just lays bare a