of course, their crowning achievement is, and probably will always be, the airport in washington, d.c., which they renamed for mr. reagan, but there's also, you know, the ronald reagan florida turnpike and the ronald reagan minuteman missile site in cooperstown, north carolina. there's ronald reagan elementary schools and middle schools, everywhere from idaho to yuma, arizona, to grand prairie, texas. there's everything from the existing mt. reagan in new hampshire to a ronald reagan bust that is apparently inside a mcdonald's in tuscaloosa, alabama. it all counts. it's all on the reagan legacy project clickable map. even the one in the mcdonald's. conservative activists trying to pump up ronald reagan's legacy have proposed that ronald reagan displace ulysses s. grant on the $50 bill. at one time, they even proposed that ronald reagan be put on the dime. but that might be a little bit of a hard sell, since the person who's on the dime right now is fdr and he does have his fans that sort of, i think, anticipated backlash led to

Related Keywords

Ronald Wilson Reagan ,Course ,Mr ,Washington Dc ,Elementary Schools ,Schools ,Crowning Achievement ,Airport ,Site ,Everywhere ,Florida Turnpike ,North Carolina ,Minuteman Missile ,Cooperstown ,Yuma ,Idaho ,Mt ,Everything ,New Hampshire ,Arizona ,To Grand Prairie ,Texas ,One ,Bill ,Bust ,Legacy ,Activists ,Counts ,Alabama ,Reagan Legacy Project Clickable Map ,Mcdonalds In Tuscaloosa ,Ulyssess Grant ,50 , 0 ,Bit ,Dime ,Fans ,Person ,Backlash Led ,Fdr ,Hard Sell ,

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