eventually the prosecutor in the case and the judge who handed out the triple life sentence they both said they wanted clarence aaron's sentence immediately commuted. the prosecutor and the judge advocated that the president should commute mr. aaron's sentence, shorten it and let him out of prison. but that did not happen. and according to the article in the washington post, it didn't happen because the guy who had something called the office of the pardon attorney, the office that reviews the situation and decides if it is warranted, that office recommended to the white house that clarence aaron should remain in prison. his name is ronald rogers. he got the judge under president bush. when he said he thought clarence aaron should continue to serve his triple life sentence he failed to mention that the prosecutor and the sentencing judge in mr. aaron's case didn't agree with that assessment. he kept it a secret that the prosecutor in mr. aaron's case that the judge and prosecutor had advocated for his sentence to be immediately commuted. that is really, really relevant information when somebody is