future cyberattack on the grid is a very possibility. what is this solution for congress. are we looking at more legislation that would concern the power companies? >> well, that's really a good question. as with most things in washington, it's a lot easier to identify a problem than it is to proscribe a solution. it's really kind of unclear where this is going from here. the important thing is people are talking about it. after two pretty explosive articles in "the wall street journal" came out in february and march, this is now somewhat of a priority. but it is an election year. it's hard to see where this is going to go legislatively. i think a lot of people don't think legislation is the solution but really there needs to be more pressure applied to the regulators to look at the vulnerabilities they have, to identify them and be transparent with them. they were, last month, given 90 days to kind of look at what problems they have and where there are critical risks and provide those to all of us, and so we're still waiting to see what that report says.