about how he succeeded. >> there's more music being consumed now than ever, you know? >> there's less music being sold now than ever. >> that don't mean there's less money being made. i'm going to adapt to the situation. if i'm not getting my money from records, then we're going to get our money from shows, appearances, endorsements, building other brands, television shows. >> look, that guy i interviewed -- i don't know who that guy was. >> that's a really fantastic shirt you're wearing. that's why you pulled the clip, right? >> the shirt is solid. the suit -- i didn't choose that. you know, the guys had to go through a lot to get where he is. he has a lot that he can say, and he represents the howard brand. he is a howard guy. that's always been part of his brand. it's a valuable sort of role model for the students. >> and i inject this idea that we don't want to be honoring business leaders with honor rather degrees. honor rather degree are a renewable resource. the fact that you give one to diddy, it doesn't mean you can't give one to today mior or smib