and the critics were wrong again. the president today defiant about the law's success. >> but we now know for a fact that repealing the affordable care act would increase the deficit, raise premiums for millions of americans, and take insurance away from millions more. i find it strange that the republican position on this law is still stuck in the same place that it has always been. they still can't bring themselves to admit that the affordable care act is working. >> the best chart to capture this news comes from judd legham of think progress. hey fox news, updated your obamacare chart for you. joining me now jonathan cohn, senior editor of "the new republic" and author of "sick," the untold story of america's health care crisis, the people who pay the price. jonathan, how big is this news today? >> it's pretty big. this is as good a day for the cause of health care reform i think that we've had since march of 2010, when president obama signed the law. >> wow. >> these are two very big thresholds. we know that the system works.