repeal the law. the associated press reports that koch industries received $1.4 million from the $5 billion program. the program was established by the affordable care act to help employers and states maintain coverage for people ages 55 and older who are not eligible for medicare. the koch brothers and some of their conservative allies are spending millions of dollars to hammer democratic senators in north carolina, alaska, colorado and iowa for backing the health care overhaul. joining me tonight in the rapid response panel, dr. ronnie woodford, and mike, america's lawyer, host of ring of fire radio show. great to have you with us tonight. >> first of all, these numbers, have you seen patients who are on the affordable care act, obamacare? >> i'm so glad you asked me that question.

Related Keywords

Obamacare ,Law ,Program ,Associated Press ,Koch Industries ,Billion ,4 Million ,1 4 Million ,5 Billion ,People ,Senators ,Coverage ,Brothers ,North Carolina ,States ,Alaska ,Colorado ,Employers ,Allies ,Millions ,Medicare ,55 ,American ,Health Care Overhaul ,Host ,Dr ,Lawyer ,Ronnie Woodford ,Iowa ,Rapid Response Panel ,Mike ,Ring Of Fire Radio Show ,Question ,Numbers ,Wall ,Patients ,

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