with a daring at sea rescue because their 1-year-old was sick, and their boat ended up at the bottom of the ocean. now they face a wave of criticism on-line with many asking what were they thinking taking that trip with toddlers? the father said they were as prepared as possible. family members defend them as great parents. were the kauffmans giving their kids an amazing experience, or putting them in danger or both? the truth is parenthood is full of tough calls and there's no rule book. our next guest set out to write one. dalton conley, a professor of socialology and medicine at nyu. when he had kids, he raised them as a scientific experiment which tested which theories worked and which didn't. he shared the results of his new book parentology. i want to talk about the definition of parentology. you call it being a little bit more improvizational, jazz parenting. what is jazz parenting? is there a hip-hop parenting sf is there a disco parenting, a rock 'n' roll parenting? >> it's definitely disco parenting.