pose as prostitutes. they also go online and call girls whose pimps place ads on internet websites. >> is jasmine there? >> and veterans are constantly training rookies in undercover tactics. >> we just put on an undercover school. what we'll do is take these guys out and get their feet wet. let them try and pick up some girls and see what it's like to follow a car and that kind of thing. >> detective jim saleda is an eight-year veteran of the task force. tonight he'll be working closed cover keeping a protective eye on the undercover cops posing as johns. >> again, if shots are fired be mindful you always want cover. >> tonight's sting requires two dozen officers and nine cars. >> and if there is an officer down we'll react to the threat as we just talked about. we actually have one of our close cover officers, plain clothes officers, who was watching the incident, be approached by two guys and he tried to rob them at gun point. a gun fight ensued.