things i talk about a lot is rape culture. i read an op-ed in "time," which i found really offensive and i was outraged. so i chose to react to that by starting a hashtag and also writing a response in "time." so it was both/and. it was twitter and also offline activism -- well, really not offline, it was a "time" op-ed online, so it was still online. i can't leave the internet. >> all very blurry. >> i haven't been out of my house in months! richard, i felt you responding to her there when she was talking about the both/and of activism. >> yeah, the both/ands of activism, when you look at it, and when i go back to suey park and what the asian pacific islander community is trying to say, is hey, you know, this is a voice where we don't often have an open or an opening to get out our message, so let's do it. and it may not be well accepted. i may not have really calculated this cancel colbert after-effect, and that's what she was saying. i just kind of had time that evening, why not? i'm going to do this.

Related Keywords

Lot ,Things ,Ngo Twitter ,Response ,Hashtag ,Rape Culture ,Op Ed ,Both ,Activism ,House ,Internet ,They Haven T ,Richard Lui ,Op Ed Online ,Underneath It ,Suey Park ,Voice ,Ands Of Activism ,Asian Pacific Islander Community ,Message ,Colbert ,Opening ,Effect ,

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