in our next story, a kiteboarder stakes his life on the fickle wind, and it lets him down hard. a pro kite boarder soars into the air and slams into solid steel. >> oh! >> oh, oh! >> i just saw my life flash in front of me. i started kite boarding 11 years ago when it first started. >> dimitri lives to fly. for wings, he uses a kite in a relatively new sport called kite boarding. >> the appeal about this sport is the freedom. it's just like jumping and pure powerhouse, but you're using nature to do that. >> the greek-born dimitri also flies to live. he's a pro and owner of a company that manufacturers and sells kite boards. >> i was very lucky to get into kite boarding. i did it for myself and got sponsored by two different companies and finally started my own kite company. >> kite boarding combines the